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Allison: "Well, because of the way that you're hanging with Paulie. They think that you're… that you must be like her. Everybody knows that she practically raped my sister! Tori said that she crawled into bed naked with her."

Mouse: "Well, Paulie's my friend!! So, I guess I doesn't really matter what other people think!!!"

Mouse takes the key out of her locker, then leaves. Allison and her friend stand there and start whispering inscrutable words.

Mischa Barton is perfectly acting in this scene. Outstanding, she makes us believe in the feelings of Mouse, makes us feel too how brave she was, not to go with the masses and cheat on her friendship with Paulie.

Other then Tori, who is older, more experienced in life, love and friendship Mouse keeps on her friendship with Paulie, no matter what! She is willing to be left out of the school society Ally belongs to for the friendship to Paulie.

The way Mouse acts here has a lot to do with loyalty, allegiance, truthfulness. Like a knight at King Arthur's Round Table her loyalty towards Paulie is boundless as the sea is deep, if this allusion toward Shakespeare may be permitted.